Monday, October 6, 2008

Wild Checkers on the Porch at the Christmas House

A good old-fashioned game of checkers between JerryLee (professional checker shark) and Elaine who hasn't played checkers in 50 years took place on Saturday in Southport. The game was grueling and was watched by Martha and Sharon and a few old men sitting in chairs waiting for their wives to finish shopping. Checker after checker was crowned and advanced on the defenseless little checkers of Elaine who was preoccupied taking pictures of butterflies and wasn't paying attention to JerryLee's master moves and swift strategy.

Sharon captured this moment when the red checkers outnumbered the black four to two. It was a sad moment in checker history when Elaine finally had to concede defeat to the masterful JerryLee. A humorless little man with nothing better to do happened to comment that "it looked like an old-fashioned whupping" to him. But who asked him anyway. OK so it was a massacre.
Martha looks on as her friend of 37 years takes a whupping.
The butterflies claim that it was not their fault they were just gathering nectar.
JerryLee celebrates her win and plots for the next ambush of a likely victim.
Be afraid, be very afraid she looks mild mannered but she is one wild and crazy checker player.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." said Elaine.

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